When we think of mindfulness we generally associate it with benefiting our own personal journeys of awareness and growth. However, when we look at the bigger picture we see that while mindfulness definitely can improve one’s own well-being, it also has an effect on the well-being of our fast-paced planet. Taking a moment to reflect, we can see that the way we currently live has an incredibly heavy footprint on the planet and that climate specialists, scientists and world leaders are very concerned for what our future could look like. So, the question then becomes – can we do anything about it at all on an individual level? While not every one of us is an expert on the matter (we certainly are not), one thing has become crystal clear, it’s going to take the collective to heal the planet.
Back to the practice of mindfulness; although mindfulness urges us to focus on the present moment, it has a ripple effect which can cause a wave of change in our future. When we make a conscious effort to be mindful in the present moment, we become aware that every choice we make has an impact. In hand, we are able to better understand our place in the world which allows us to take meaningful action in protecting it. By tapping into mindfulness we are able to wake up to reality, feel a deeper sense of connection to the planet and build a mindset for sustainability inspiring lifestyle choices that can drive true change.
Waking Up: Now or Never
The need to take action in regards to the health of the planet has never been more apparent. Yet, we find ourselves turning a cheek in light of it all. We operate from a me vs a we mentality and gear our focus inwards. Let’s get one thing straight, self-awareness is integral to a mindfulness practice, but it does not encompass it completely. In order to practice mindfulness we must have awareness for others and the world around us. Practicing mindfulness in this full capacity allows us to build a heightened awareness of what is going on in the world in the here and now and what can happen if we don’t begin to take responsibility and do our part for the earth.
Taking Responsibility: Being Mindful Vs. Mindless
On an individual level, each one of us must turn our awareness into action in order to help the planet. This looks like taking responsibility for our personal environmental impacts and reflecting on the ways in which we currently live. Mindfulness pulls on our values, empathy and compassion urging us to take responsibility. It prompts us to ask questions like: How much am I consuming and wasting? Do I have harmful habits that I mindlessly go about in my daily routine? What small actions can I take to lead by example? What can I do in my everyday life to make change? Taking accountability for the answers to these questions leads to insight into how we can make better choices for the planet.

Changing Our Lifestyle: Connection, Not Consumption
We can wake up, we can take responsibility, but can we overcome the force of our habits? Mindfulness invites us to stay anchored in the present moment, practice gratitude and let go of our desires and our attachments. When we take a moment to give thought to what we are grateful for, we can see that we don’t need to have a scarcity mindset and consume in order to be fulfilled. Society tends to have this mindset, always needing and going after more, but somehow never having enough. The car, the clothes, the fancy gadget will not only not be the thing that makes us happy, but be potentially harmful by contributing to overconsumption. When we are mindful, we see that everything in this world is connected and that the way we consume matters. Reducing our environmental impact is more than possible by consuming less and reducing waste. It is not a matter of not consuming at all, but rather changing our lifestyle to consume mindfully. Some ways we can do so are by buying products made from sustainable materials, reducing our energy consumption and eating locally sourced foods to name a few.
To learn more about sustainable lifestyle choices you can implement: View This Link
Through cultivating awareness, we are able to make intentional choices that positively impact the planet. It may feel as though our individual choices do not matter in the grand scheme of things, but a closer look reveals that they do. We are all connected and can make an impact – it is our choice what it looks like. Remember, each day we are presented with the opportunity to make new choices. I will leave you with this, what choices will you make going forward? How will you leave your impact on this planet?
Affirmations to Heal The Planet:
- I make conscious choices that positively support the earth
- I am connected to the earth and aware of my impact
- I am mindful of my consumption and do what is in my power to be apart of the solution
- I am grateful for the fresh water, food and all resources available to me
- I am committed to being the change I wish to see in the world